Housing and Accommodation

Do you need housing to suit you?

Everyone needs and wants different things in their ideal home, in the design, the fittings, the access and the support you need to live there independently. In an effort to simplify things, and identify exactly what is needed in Outback Qld, we have explained and defined the various forms of supported living below.

SDA - Specialist Disability Accommodation

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

SIL - Supported Independent Living

There are different types of home and living supports the NDIS can fund. Supported independent living is one type of support to help you live in your home.

ILO - Individualised Living Option

There are many ways the NDIS can support your choice of living arrangements. One of these is an ILO, or Individualised Living Option.

STA or Respite

Short Term Accommodation funding can be used for respite to support you and your carers. This gives your carers a short break from their caring role.

We want to help you achieve your goals regarding your livability, lifestyle and independence. We have specialist knowledge in housing and different models of support.If your housing situation and level of support isn’t meeting your needs, or your home can’t be changed to suit you, you can ask for support to explore housing options. It’s important to discuss this with the NDIA and your support coordinator. It’s also important to include a housing related goal in your plan.

What housing would you like?

Outback Independent Living (OIL) is working toward establishing a number of purpose built housing options in Outback Qld. To do this, we need to know exactly what you need and ideally, where you want to live in Outback Qld. Let us know below so we can help you.